June 14, 2018

5 Ways to Start De-Cluttering Your House

It’s about time you start thinking about your overflowing wardrobes and messy tabletops in your living area. Here are five easy ways to start de-cluttering your home!

1. Before you start…


Prepare 3 boxes before you go into decluttering any one area – for things that belong in the area, for things that belong elsewhere and for things that you should get rid of.

2. Start small

Kitchen (2)

We know de-cluttering can be a huge boring task. To make it easier for yourself, start small and easier by clearing out a small cabinet or shelf first.

3. Bin it like you mean it

Living Room (1)

Avoid overthinking on what you need to keep. If you think you ‘may’ need this scarf in the long run when it’s been left untouched at the back of your cabinet for the past 5 years. It’s probably better to let it go.

4. Clearing out the wardrobe


Better sort out the unwanted pieces in your wardrobe by hanging everything in the reverse manner and only hanging back those you have worn in the correct direction. You will probably be able to tell which are the ones that do not rank so highly on your favourites list by the end of this little experiment.

5. The deal with paper

study room

When was the last time you had trouble finding a particular document or letter? Start designating a paper tray or an area specifically for your paper documents and you will save yourself a ton of trouble in the future.

Selling your apartment?

If you are looking to sell your unit, a de-cluttered unit is the first step to helping your viewers envision themselves living in the property. What will truly bring out the value of your property is by setting up a visionary experience of how the home can look like. This is how Home Staging comes into play.

What you truly want to show buyers is behind the clutter

SFR Home Staging has helped hundreds of agents and home owners to sell their property within weeks after staging. Some even manage to get their property sold at a higher asking price!

Get in touch with our friendly sales personnel for a personal, customised staging proposal now!